The Third Millenium’ Cosmic Polyart


«The Sacral Book of ISIS» by Victoria PreobRAzhensky

«СофиоЛогия Матери Мира»


Experts on the Works of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

Experts on the Works of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

«...It was fulfilled the prophecy that had been expressed at the beginning of the last century, that the third millennium will be marked by a completely new kind of art — Polyart, which synthesizes many kinds of art in one. We are witnesses and close friends the person who embodies all these talents... The knowledge that Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya is giving us — this is joy and pleasure...»

Alexander OSIPOV, professor,
president of the Association of painters-portraitists).

«...One of these amazing creators is Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya, because creativity has always been the axis of her life. The phenomenon of personality Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya, which is called the Founder Polyart — is an enigma to researchers of her creation. Victoria, with her desire to create a holistic picture of the world that is addressed, first of all, to the person, is reminiscent creators of the Renaissance. Her painting is inextricably linked with music, dance, poetry. You can not just admire the paintings of Victoria or listen to her music composition. The most attentive and thoughtful look; the most profound, meditative immersion in the sound does not help to know completely the Revelation that opens to the author. This is only possible in the synthesis of all created by Victoria. Then come to life colors and sounds filled with meaning. Sounds organize a space, a move that acquire special rhythms and dance arises. Chaos disappears. The Universe is born... Creativity of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya became the beginning of a whole World of art, full of wide variety opportunities for talents and knowledge of «Heaven, Earth and ourselves...»»

(Zhanna MOZGOVAYA journalist, art critic,
executive secretary of the magazine «Petersburg-classic»).

«Great Love generates Poetry in the gifted heart. Harmony and Music — is the language of Love, its manifestation and life. Poetry of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — it is a «Radiant Garden» where all fecundated by the divine Eros and warmed the soul of the Queen of Heaven. The best poems the poetess — is the sublime hymns of Love. The air of clean, luxurious style, a fantastic beauty and magic of words — are the basis of her aesthetics. …And how with inspiration it sounds! These are — the music of spheres, the breath of the Gods, a space Odyssey, immersion into other worlds and dimensions. Sounds synthesizer that plays any instruments and natural voices carry the listener on the Seventh Heaven of bliss. You charms magician Hecate, carries with her into the flow of Divine Energy (Izonhaya) and you get to the Temple of Isis.

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — «White Tara of Heavenly Country», is tatting of lace her magical patterns and performing a ritual dance of the Gods. One of her incarnations — here with us, and the other — floats through the Millennium the heavenly Boat among stars and planets, «She is Created and Revived Life by Love». She knows the Way and guides us to the Divine Beauty:

«И вот, мы на пороге Шестой РАсы!
             Век Водолея — пробужденья звон!
Являет образ Женской Ипостаси
             И призывает: совершить Закон.
Закон Любви, Гармонии, Единства
             В Великом Равновесье Высших Сил
Позволит миру Прави Пробудиться,
             Восславив Матерь Бога и Светил!»

(P.V. TULAYEV, writer, scientist,
founder of publishing international journal «Athenaeum»).

«Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — is an artist of esoteric meanings and dynamic processes of the Universe... The Universe is singing waves voices, and the voices of other, adjacent to the earth, spheres poured out into the open tops of consciousness...

Personality of Victoria — is attractive, charming, magnetic. She presents herself as a poet and as a composer and as an artist and as a dancer.

...Since ancient times, the emanations, currents of Wisdom descended to Earth. Clairvoyants and prophets unlocked the invisible worlds by soul... So Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — unrestricted, free to choose the means of expression «illustrator» of her own travel to the Beyond...»

(Stanislav AYDINYAN, vice-president for public relations of the Creative union of professional artists, member of the board of the International association of assistance to culture, art critic of Federation of Aqua-painting, member of advisory council of Association of portrait painters, member of the Union of the Russian writers).

«I am an artist and a scientist. A little philosopher. I am extremely glad that there are like-minded. Here I saw a very strong works of art. The synthesis of different genres, and that is valuable — a sense of very deep penetration beyond the real. It is very important for me. The philosophy of Love and Light is very close to me. Base and beginning of all — it's Higher Love. She runs through all space and Cosmos, and humans, as the particles of the Universe. And thus creates good, and this good — in each heart, in each soul of the person urged to resist to eternal evil. And the more people will be doing it consciously the more chances that our world will live forever!»

(N.N. EFREMOVTSEV, scientist, painter).

«Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — so unusual phenomenon in our life that I want to talk and talk about her that new people will join to her many admirers, those who want to penetrate the mystery of existence, discover unknown earlier sense of inner light and beauty of soul — «formulas of light».

«Painting, poetry, music — is the three sisters of talent of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya, the member of the International fund of artists. Synthesis of these three recognized muses of beauty and enrichment of soul of the person by the invisible feelings, transferred in Victoria's painting, verses and music, allows people to open itself in new measurement of a space, to listen to own feelings, as though dipped into itself and becoming more natural. Through a prism of the art creativity Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya helps to calm down, relax and be cleared, helps the person to open with itself that he sees, listening to the high vibrations of music cosmic areas was composed by her…»

(Olga CHERNYSHEVA, poetess, a member of Union writers of Russia).

«…It is amazingly fine pictures, tremendous music and the artist. She is an outstanding personality. These people as she need to appreciate them a little. This is — a Light of the modern world...

That picture I liked — «Amaterasu (Goddess of Sun)». It is approximately that place from which we recently arrived — the Russian North. There are the same amazingly fine sunsets; the same color sea though it northern, white, its paints are shimmering all the time, as well as in pictures of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Unfortunately, we didn’t meet the goddess there, but I see her here. So impression, she came just from there. I tell frankly: very beautiful picture. I like it very much. Generally, I am in raptures from all what I saw. Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya is a great painter!»

(S.V. GOLUBEV, chairman of the commission of scientific tourism of Russian
Geographical Society, chief of Complex Northern search expedition).

Дата: 24.02.2016 15:58 (Прочтено: 238)

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