The Third Millenium’ Cosmic Polyart


«The Sacral Book of ISIS» by Victoria PreobRAzhensky

«СофиоЛогия Матери Мира»


Experts speak about Creation of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya


Zhanna Mozgovaya

««I intend to imagine the person, whose manifestations have to seem so diverse that if I managed to attribute them the uniform thought, no other could be compared to it on width. I want also that there was at it excessively a heightened sense of distinction of things of which falsities quite could be called as the analysis. I find out that everything serves it as a reference point: he always remembers a complete universum… It is created not to forget about anything from this that enters a texture real — about a uniform blade of grass. He plunges into a subsoil belonging to all and, having moved away from them, beholds himself… I will follow it moving in virgin integrity and density of the world where it so will get to like the nature that to it will imitate that with it to merge…» — about the great artist of Renaissance the French poet Paul Valéry in the treatise «Introduction to Leonardo Da Vinci's System» in 1894 so wrote. But equally these words can be told now, in the XXI century, about the famous artist, the foundress of Cosmic Polyart of the Third Milennium of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya.

Victoria with her aspiration to creation of the complete picture of the world turned, first of all, to the person, reminds creators of the Renaissance. She — not only the artist, but also the poet, the musician, the composer. In Shies representation the future of mankind is connected with new understanding of culture, therefore Victoria's Creativity — extremely syncretic: in it the fine arts are inseparably linked with music, dance, poetry and Theosophy. Thanks to it, Polyart of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya learns to see, internally comprehending the unity of the world based on harmony.

...In general the word «art» originally meant a way of action and anything else … Subsequently, this term was gradually narrowed in the value and began to be applied only to a way of action in everyone conscious, or consciousness of the caused activity — with that restriction that this way means at the subject or some preparation, known skill, or a certain orientation of attention and that … for achievement of the necessary result — it can use various methods … And as various methods … aren't equally effective and rational, and on the other hand, not all are equally available to this performer, value of this word … is supplemented with concept of quality or value of a way of action. So, we speak: «Titian's art». Also it is necessary to speak and about Polyart of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Especially as She has, as masters of the Renaissance had, the Creative Workshop uniting followers and adherents. As a result of activity of the Workshop to Polyart's concept which was initially turning on the music, poetry, painting and dance included art of a suit, a theatrical performance and the drama.

...A lot of things are written and told about Victoria's works, including — and the artist who doesn't hide from the admirers the history of creation of works. But, after all, there is something unexpressed, hardly notable, deep that is the cornerstone of her Creativity and any creativity in general. There is a question: from where this knowledge came? Certainly, the artist «has to represent not that he sees, and that will be seen». But who or what gives it the chance to get into a secrets of the Universe? What is an images appear at us in Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya's pictures? In what their essence? Where their sources? Certainly, first of all, in natural supervision. But it isn't necessary to peer fixedly into cloths to learn the represented places. Because it not landscapes portraits of certain places, is feelings from different landscapes of those places where there was the artist. Facing such cloths, involuntarily you have desire to inhale more deeply — so captures feeling of a boundless scope and scale of the planet.

…The special place in Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya's Creativity is taken by works with flowers. It is not habitual for eyes of the audience bouquets, but always — cores of separate flowers. Paraphrasing William Blake, Space — in a flower cup. Indeed, this layer of Works of the artist closely intertwines with another, devoted to stars and planets. It is difficult to answer a question that before you — a flower or the birth of the Universe when you see flashes of yellow fire among a jade maternal bosom in «the Night Sonata» (2009). And «the Fiery Flower (Aspect of the Sun)» (2007), mysteriously flickering, the relatives getting the friend through the friend on scale, but different in tone, paints (ochre, gold, yellow, orange, red, claret) and suddenly blowing up unexpectedly powerful chord of an azure — than not the birth of a supernew star in a far galaxy?..»

(Zhanna Mozgovaya, art critic, member of the International association of art critics. «WORD ABOUT VICTORIA PREOBRAZHENSKAYA'S PAINTING»).

Дата: 09.02.2016 01:13 (Прочтено: 219)

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