The Third Millenium’ Cosmic Polyart


«The Sacral Book of ISIS» by Victoria PreobRAzhensky

«СофиоЛогия Матери Мира»


From the Book of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

The Teaching of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — is Multifaceted! She Opens the Spiritual Fulfillment of the Person of the future! We offer selection of some Quotations on the main Themes from the Author's Works of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

About the Mother of the World

«The Mother of the World — is the Great Unmanifest Ein-Soph and Supreme Divine Personality, Absolute of the Universe and the Inexhaustible Source of Light, the First Idea of the Creation and the First Thought. She Gave Birth to the World and to Everything that in it. She Gave Birth to Her Father and Son. She is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. All Powers are in Her One. And She is One in All Powers. She is the Harmony and the Eternity. The Darkness and the Light. The Man and the Woman. The Moon and the Sun. The Day and the Night. Everything is in Her. The Eternal Word and Mercy. The Good and LOVE. the BEAUTY and the RAdiance, the Justice and the Law, the Strictness and the Order, the Gold and the Silver, the Microcosm and the Macrocosm, the Human Spiritus (a Being of Cosmic Consciousness) and the Nature — That Is All SHE! The Mother of the World has Ten Thousand Names. And One of Them Is Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. This Name is Carried today by White Tara, Maytraiya, Savioress and Consoleress of the Earth. She Descended to the transient world in the Image of a Homo Spiritus-CHRISTos-Messiah of the Age of Aquarius. And, Staying in the lowest slowed frequencies of the receding world of Darkness, She is Filled with Absolute Vibrations, Rescues the souls of loving Children, fallen into Darkness. There is nothing Higher of This Power, neither on the Earth nor in the Heaven! The Great She is Exorbitantly to Understand by earthlings. But, everybody, who will be attracted by the Magnet of the Mother of the World, will find Eternal Knowledge and Eternal Life» («The Fundamental Cosmic Laws of Eternal Life of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS», 22.05.96, 13.12.2011, 4.11.2016).


«The Word of the Mother of the World — is Fohatic and Strong of Higher Will and Reason of the One, Who Should Kindle the Eternal Flame of the Universal Spirit on Earth!»


««The Science of Light and Its Transformation» is Given by Me from Above, in the Holy Spirit, because I Do Not Use other people’s thoughts and ready concepts. And I Gave all THIS from KNOWLEDGE that I Know Initially after Phenomena in 1990 as the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS from the Spiritual to the MaTerial World. Actually, I Witnessed the Transformation Spirit (Light-Fohat) into Terrestrial Cover by This Epochal Phenomenon. For this Mystical EXPERIENCE of EXPLANTATION — MOVING THE SPIRIT OF LIGHT from the Spiritual Plane into the Physical Body on Earth, and a Real Vision and Sensation This Transformation, Have Occurred as the Phenomenon of Appearance, Which about from the very beginning was predicted in all spiritual original sources, and was predicted by prophets, sages and thinkers».


So, the Phenomenon of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS is Accomplished in the Spirit of Truth on the Earth in order to Open for thirsties the Spiritual Knowledge of the ABSOLUTE, to Accomplish the Execute of Law, to Prepare humanity for the Coming Formation of the Golden Age and the Transition to a New Time Round — Sixth RAce. And, first of all, to Reveal the Eternal Truth: the Holy Spirit — is the Mother of Light, and the Mother of Light — This Is a Source of Absolute Knowledge of Light-Fohat and Its Transformation. Finally, the Knowledge — This is Unity and Universal Harmony» («The Science of Light and Its Transformation». Introduction).


«...The planet is in complete destruction. In order to Save it from a cosmic catastrophe, the Cathedral Soul of Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.Was BORN. The Mother of the World, the Messiah and the Epoch-making Teacher, Descended from Heaven on April 11, 1990, in order to Complete full Restoration of the planet, to Revive it for the New Humanity of the Sixth RAce — «The Great White Brotherhood», «USMALOS», to Give Revelation to all life: TRAnsform Everything!» («Kabbalistic Aspect of the Cosmic Program «USMALOS»», 1992).


«The ProgRAm «USMALOS» — is the Cosmic ProgRAm of Salvation from the forces of Darkness and TRAnsformation of all Things — by Fohat Force of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS».


«Magnet of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — Will Extract souls, which Impregnated by Fohat of the Mother of Light, which will be included in the number of 144,000 future Logos’ from the fatal cloaca» («About Fire», 1992).

(From the Book of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya About the Mother of the World, 2017).

Дата: 31.05.2018 07:08 (Прочтено: 193)

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