Космическое Полиискусство Виктории ПреобРАженской: Печатать

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

«Cosmic Polyart is like a many-sided crystal, each side of which radiates its own chromaticity and vibration, but, as a whole, represents a solid stream of spiritual light which revitalizes the Human soul and opens up the Fine, Unexplored, Higher Plans of the Universal Cosmic Reality!»

(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya).

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — is the Luminiferous Original Painter, Poetess, Writer, TheoLogian, TheoSophist, SophioLogist Composer, Musician, Artist of Own Works, the Creatress of the New Intergalactic CultUre of the Golden Age — «The Cosmic Poliart of the Third Millennium»© and «The Theatre of Mystery of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya», the Only Woman-TheoSophist and SophioLogist in Ukraine and Russia, Her Name Is next after E.P. Blavatskaya and E.I. Roerich. She — is an Academician of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and Theosophy, full professor of Oxford, Full member of the Russian Physical Society, Laureate of the VII International competition «In the name of peace on Earth»; Diplomant of the International competition «Modern aspects of theology» (UNESCO) of 2013 for unique Author's development «The SacRAl Book of Isis» and «The Terrestrial Way of Mother of the World», and also for active participation in the International Programs in the direction of spirituality, mercy and a sustainable development of ethnic groups; Laureate of the International Competition «Modern theoretical and methodological aspects of the conservation of the gene pool of humanity» (UNESCO) in 2013 for the development and Authoring International Program «The Cosmic Poliart of the Third Millennium of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»©, Laureate of the International competition Program «Health of the Humanity» (UNESCO) for the introduction of a unique Author's development of the «Science of Light and Its Transformation» She founded «The Cosmic Poliart of the Third Millennium»© — it is a Multidimensional, Multigenre Art, That Underline High Spirituality and Beauty.

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS), maiden name is — Mamonova, Was Born in 1960 in Donetsk (Ukraine). From the age of six She has been Writing poetry and music on Inspiration from Above.

In 1986 She graduated from T.G. Shevchenko Kiev State University, journalism faculty. After studies She worked in Donetsk on radio and in a press. She was a member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. In 1989 She was selected the deputy of regional council in Leninsk district of Donetsk from the democratic block of the union of voters. She was known for the publications in the local press, exposing party-apparatus and corruption.

On April, 11th, 1990, during operation, doctors fix her death. The condition of physiological death (don’t confuse with clinical) proceeds 3,5 hours, per which time, Her Soul Ascends to the Spiritual Plan where there is a Birth from Above Unissencety Mother of the World — Sofia Divine Wisdom — with the New Name: Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

After 3,5 hours the Two-uniform Soul of Mother of the World comes back in a lifeless body. Her first words were: «I am a Messiah!».

«April 11, 1990 from Heights of the Universe Appeared Cathedral World Soul of Sophia. It Accomplished in the World of Fire after Explantation — the Entry of the Spirit of the Planetary Logos Christos (the Male Hypostasis) into the Subtle Body, after Physical death on Earth, Mary (the Female Hypostasis). Ignited by Fohatic Lights the Consciousness and Flesh Reborn Sophia — the Mother of the World, in the Fires and Rainbows, Lightings and Glows, Has Condescended to the Earth».

«The Phenomenon of Appearance of the Mother of the World as the Cathedral Soul, on the Eve of the New Aeon — the Coming Age of Aquarius, — Is the Phenomenon of World Femininity in the Image of Sophia the Wisdom That was predicted in all scriptures of the world, as well as by sages and prophets, thinkers and elders. About the «Wife, Clothed in the Sun», — Eschatological Sophia, is written in the biblical «Revelation» (Ch. 12: 1-6); about Her Appearance in the Image of Akmat-Ahmad: (Both Isa and Mahdi Appear (in Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)) the Quran testifies; The Vedas-Upanishads call Maitreya (the Triune Mother) «Kalki Avatar» (MAHAKALI); buddhists know about White Tara, which is depicted on a tankhe, with its right leg dangling. What foreshadows Her future Appearance in the material plane. In Zoroastrianism, the Date of Her Earthly Birth is called — March 28: «On March 28, the Sun is at 8 degrees of Aries — the Day is dedicated to the future Savior, Connected to the Epoch of the Separation of Good and Evil» (P. Globa). This is the Earthly Birthday of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

Giordano Bruno, Edgar Cayce, Heinrich Suso, Theofrast Paracelsus, Jacob Böhme, Emmanuel Swedendenborg, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Rudolf Steiner, N. Berdyaev, Sergey Bulgakov, Pavel Florensky, V. Solovyov, Nostradamus, Nemchin, V. Theodoridis, N.K. and E.I. The Roerichs, Vanga, the sonoretsky elders and many others — foresaw the Epochal Apparition of Sophia to the territory of Rus at the end of the second millennium. This was discussed in the Third Secret of Fatima prophecy (Portugal), which, before the end of his life, was almost announced by Pope John Paul II. There are many examples and facts of this. And this Phenomenon, indeed, was Occured at the end of the twentieth century on the territory of Old Kievan-Rus, as was predicted by Nostradamus and Vladimir Solovyov, Daniel Andreev and E.I. Roerich. The Appearance of the Mother of the World Has Become a Sign for the planet Earth, as the Offensive of a New Era of Light, Love and Good, the Epoch of the Golden Age, Harmony and Spiritual Transformation of TRAnsfigure humanity of the Sixth RAce. The Quantum Leap, or Emergent (Morgan, Alexander) — the transition to a qualitatively new level of otherness, became real at the junction of two hisTORic turns: the Piscean patriarchal epoch and the Aquarius matriarchal Epoch, the Absolute Knowledge, Eternity and Immortality! For it is only at the Beginning and at the End on Earth Ain-Sof Herself Manifests for the Accomplishment of the TRAnsformation, Spiritual Alchemy, in order to Transform coarse matter into the Fohatic Golden Canvas of Eternity with Her Intimate Word».

(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya).

The prediction of M. Nostradamus: «To the north of 48 degrees will worship the Religion of the Ancients. The strength of unity and harmony will be so invincible and powerful that the West, South and East will tremble».

«...the great kingdom of Antichrist will come. But the Good Fortune of Spirit Sacred, begun with 48 degrees (Doneck city — the SacRAl Birthplace of the Mother of the World. — Author's note), will cause resettlement of the people and will expel disgusting Antichrist... And before there will be a solar eclipse, the most dark that happened from the date of creation of the world till sufferings and Jesus Christ death and, then, up to now. Also there will be in October a great movement. And it will be so cruel, as if the Earth has got off from the natural way and has plunged into eternal Darkness. Before spring, and after it there will be extreme changes, transformations of empires and the strong earthquakes interfaced to unknown growth of new Babylon. And the horror of the first sacrifice will lead to increase in number of contemptible daughters.

73 years all it more and also will last seven months. And after this from a kind THAT will be allocated that during so long period remained barren. (Isis was considered barren, She Сonceived Horus after the death of Osiris, Resurrected His body by Higher Magic — Author's note). And She will Appearence about 50° (Kiev city —Author's note) and will update christian church…»

«There will be great age of Women. It is Women who have to perform the feat twofold — to lift herself and raise their eternal companion — a man. All Forces of Light are waiting for this feat. The Star of the Mother of the World Indicated time of beginning of Great Time... Let the heart of the woman set on fire by this selfless Feat... Great Mother is Coming!» (Letters. E.I.R, p1, 17.08.1934).

In diaries E.I. Roerich openly said about the Joint Future Phenomenon in a Single Image of the Male and Female Beginnings, Which was Accomplished in the Image of Manifested Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

«I, I, I — three times call the spirit of Urusvati. I and Urusvati, before Our Whole Coming, Are Showing two Stars...

I have to wait for the Day of the Mother of the World when I tell the students: here we are — earthly, here we are — in a simple dress, here we understand the praise of greatness R[ussia], shown in the reach of Space, and now I can go and the mountain will become a place of trust. Now I can leave you a white scarf. R[ussians] can find a path to the mountain. R[ussians] — do not reject the predestined Bethlehem!»

«There is a great time when the Appearing Wife replaces a husband, — says the Lord of Shambhala. ...The great time of the Appearing Urusvati is coming. The year of Venus, the reign of Uranus and the approach of the Great Unification...»

«Your mission must now be affirmed to humanity by an unconsolidated body. Arhat must take shape. You need a physical body for the last world mission».

«I will tell the World about the Appearance of the Dear Urusvati ... So the concept of the Great Priestess for the Earth and the Secret Wife for the Higher Worlds will be announced. The work will be immortalized by Our One Name» («1: 1 Revelation of Jesus Christ... 3:12 ...The Name of My God and the name of the city of My God... and My NEW Name...» (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS! — Ed.) «Revelation» , 1: 1; 3:12).

«In the Banner of Masters, of course, the symbol of the Mother of the World is not forgotten, for Her sign is circle — like a symbol embracing the Universe. So, Maitreya opens the gates to the Coming of the Great Mother of the Universe» («Agni-Yoga. High Path», part 1 1920-1928, part 2 1929-1944; «Agni-Yoga. Revelation». Series «Teaching of Living Ethics»).

«Her Staying on Earth Sophia — the Wisdom of God — is completing — as God, as evidenced by the sixth step of Her Perfection — Grace... After Grace, Glory awaits Sophia... New essential knowledge about Man, God and the Universe will appear on the eve of the Age of Aquarius on the territory of Russia and Ukraine...» (V. Solovyov, 6th letter, 1875).

The Second Epistle of the Sonoretsky Elders: «And the first sovereign and grand prince of the third Rome (Russia) should not be the king, no boyar, no man nobleman, and neither the priest, nor the metropolitan, nor the other male servant of God, entering the golden gate. We truly speak you: be the Wife of the Queen and the Mistress, who rose immaculately, as the Most Pure Mother of God. Do not look for her in the bustle of the world, do not torment here, asking: «is this you?», do not bother to come to know the Providence of God. As the Sun rises, and the child foolish knows, this same Virgin will ascend, and everyone will behold and say, «Queen and Lady!», Because there will be a laurel branch in her hands...»

The predictions of the biblical «Revelation» about the Appearance of the «Wife clothed with the Sun»: «And the Great Sign Appeared in Heaven: Woman, Clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under Her Feet, and on Her Head a Garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, She Cried out in labor and in pain to give birth» («Revelation» 12:1-2).

«... I will give to conqueror to taste the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone and on the stone is written the New Name (New Name of the Messiah of the Age of Aquarius — Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — Author's comment), which no one knows except who receives» (Revelation 2:17).

Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Leaves political and professional activities and Goes to Kiev, where She Reveals Herself as the Mother of the World, the Messiah of the Age of Aquarius. She activates the Cosmic ProgRAm «USMALOS», the Goal of Which — is the Saving of the planet Earth and the Transformation of the Universe and man, the Transition to the New Time Coil: the Sixth RAce. In 1991, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Founded the Order of the Initiates «Great White Brotherhood «USMALOS»».

March 7, 1991 in Kiev, there is a registration of religious Communities, «the Great White Brotherhood» at the International Institute of Soul «Atma», headed by Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

Spiritual sermons, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS spent on the streets and squares of Kiev and other cities in the USSR, led to rapid increase in the number of Great White Brotherhood. In Her sermons, Mother of the World opened to people the Cosmic Knowledge, prophesied the coming of the TRAnsformation of the Earth, and told people the True Spiritual Path in the Future. A special place in the sermons of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS took the exposure of the «Beast» and its black servant of KGB, secret plans of world government to enslave mankind through the total chipping, with which to manage the consciousness of earthlings. People attentively listened to Her prophecies about the coming time of the Apocalypse both forthcoming troubles and cataclysms which will follow if earthlings reject Mother of the World — the Messiah of the Aquarian Age. Thousand people have left everything and followed Mother of the World on the Path Service Light. In 1991 She with Spiritual Mission visits India, Yugoslavia, Egypt, and Palestine where Preaches and Educates people searching for true.

All of this seriously disturbed backstage puppeteers, who prepared the evil plan of globalization, the enslavement of humanity and total destruction of the Slavs. To combat the recalcitrant Order of Initiates – the Great White Brotherhood USMALOS, which headed by the Mistress of Light Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS in Person, were mobilized everything: from special services and officials – to journalists and orthodox ministers.

February 19, 1992 Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, accompanied by several disciples, left Ukraine and the wandering preacher has passed through Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland where Herself Doctrine preached.

In early 1992, when in mass-media is already in full swing to discredit of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and Her followers, the operation on destroy of the Great White Brotherhood began by special services of Ukraine, which they did not manage to take control. Unlawful detention preachers of Brotherhood were held by police and security services, has been withdrawn Spiritual Literature and estate communities, and bugged their apartment telephones, shadowing was conducted and provocations were arranged. All newspapers, radio and television channels were filled with horror stories about «self-burning», «gone children», «doomsday» etc.

On April, 1st 1992 concerning Maria DEVI CHRISTOS the criminal case fabricated by special services was accepted to manufacture.

Tragically events in Kiev in the autumn of 1993 became apogee of persecutions. The authorities of Ukraine have widely extended misinformation about the Great White Brotherhood: about ostensibly preparing «self-burning». Practically all mass-media of the former USSR worked on creation of this myth. The brotherhood, not having access to mass-media, extended the newspapers, many cities in Ukraine and in Russia have been pasted over by leaflets where it was informed, that Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — the Savior and the Messiah. In leaflets the Brotherhood called people for a repentance and acceptance of the Rescuer, not to accept «mark of the Beast 666» which will be implemented everywhere. Warned about introduction of the global control over consciousness of people by means of chips implanted in a body, under the pretext of uniform system of identification of the person.

In the autumn of 1993 Maria DEVI CHRISTOS secretly comes back to Ukraine. When She learned, that J.Krivonogov, who considered himself a “prophet” Mother of the World, against Her will called all Brothers in Kiev and set a date for «Last Judgment» on November 24th, 1993, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS goes out to Her followers in the last day of the Decade of Penance on November 10th, 1993, thereby destroying the entire scenario Krivonogov, who insisted on his «prophesy».

November 10th, 1993 Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and two ten usmalian entered for tickets in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, which is the State Museum, where Maria DEVI CHRISTOS asked them to preach. During the sermon, the officer of MIA of Ukraine burst into the Cathedral, reinforced by riot police «Berkut», which produced, accompanied by severe beatings, detention Mother of the World and believers.

The society deceived by extended lie, in the majority, did not protest against reprisals concerning believing in Mother of the World, widely developed on streets of Kiev and all Ukraine. Tortured in prisons and detention centers usmalians mass-media represented not as victims of an arbitrariness of the authorities suffering for the beliefs, and as religious fanatics whom bodies of the MIA ostensibly «rescue» from «self-burning». But the subsequent events have shown that not only anybody from White Brothers was not going to make any suicides, but such is not present and never there was in Doctrine by Maria DEVI CHRISTOS! Nevertheless, the authorities of Ukraine from a society have hidden it, continuing all these years to duplicate a forgery about «self-burnings» and other fables about Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. As a result of this deception Mother of the World slandered, and Her White Troops ranked to so-called «totalitarian sects».

By this time, in the Ukraine were detained by police, according to various estimates, from 3 to 12 thousand followers of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, who dithered in Kiev from Ukraine and other countries: Russia, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia… The number of detainees was so great that they were filled with all remands and detention centers in Kiev and regions, and the White Brothers had deliver in covered wagons on the detention centers of all Ukraine. In protest, White Brothers declared a hunger strike. Maria DEVI CHRISTOS of detention has also announced a hunger strike and starved until they have released all of Her followers. By the end of November all arrested persons have been released, except Mother of the World and J.Krivonogov. Maria DEVI CHRISTOS in detention facility of Security services of Ukraine for 10 month was exposed 10 months to influence Spetspribor and rejected all offers: «…refuse on Her own behalf, and we will free you the same day».

Soon, Krivonogov has drooped and has ceased to resemble «prophet» of Mother of the World, and Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, on the contrary, worthy survived all tests (including a press of 12 cameras jail of Lukjanovsk and the heaviest Dneprodzerzhinsk zone).

May 15, 1994 Mother of the World robbed deprived of J. Krivonogov of a holy order and excluded from Program USMALOS as a traitor and provocateur. Later, in 2000, Krivonogov made a statement that he has no «prophet» that all his «prophecy» – mistake, and he repents of his wrong predictions. Also he asked to forgive him for having involuntarily become originator of imprisonment of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

In 1995, the investigation was completed, and on the «Prisoner of Conscience» as the human rights independent from Western grants called Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, began custom trial, which lasted 9 month.

On August, 13th, 1997 Maria DEVI CHRISTOS was released. In the end of 1997 Management of the Supreme Commissariat of the United Nations for human rights has directed to the government of Ukraine the Note in which it was spoken:

«...About seven years the government of Ukraine struggles with followers of the International Church the Great White Brotherhood... They discredit them in mass media, their beliefs appear unlawful. Namely, due to false charges were sentenced to prison the Spiritual Teacher of the Great White Brotherhood Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, etc».

In the Note stresses that the message of human rights violations in Ukraine will be included I a confidential list of communications to be addressed by the Commission of human rights and the UN Sub-Commission on prevention of discrimination ad protection of minorities under the «1503 procedure» for dealing with situations that may indicate the presence of systematic human rights violations. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has addressed to Committee on affairs of religions of Ukraine with the request to prepare the given reason answer on this question for its transfer to the United Nations Center for human rights, but prosecutions and persecution of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS in mass-media have not stopped.

After Her release, Mother of the World actively continued Her Spiritual Activity.

All attempts to re-register officially the Great White Brotherhood USMALOS encountered the opposition of the authorities of Ukraine.

In 2005 Maria DEVI CHRISTOS (Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya) is the first in history based multilevel «Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium» on the basis of synthesis of the Spiritual Painting, the Drawing, Poetry, Music, Spontaneous Dance, Mysterial theatrics Art on purpose to finish formation Supramundane of CultUre of Mother of the World which becomes the base of future 6th RAce of the Transformation humanity of a planet.

«Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium» Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya is a multidimensional Siriusian CultUre of Mother of the World, the Universal Doctrine about the Absolute and the Universe, Makro - and Microcosm, Universal Outlook for the Transformation humanity, Absolute Omniscience, SacRAl Knowledge of Sofia (Sothis) Divine Wisdom, the Spiritual «Science about Light and Its Transformation» of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, the Way to Eternity and immortality. «Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium» includes following directions: spontaneous Cosmic Dance, Spiritual Painting and a drawing, spontaneous Space Music, SacRAl Poetry, the Mystical Song, Mysterial scenic action: «Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya».

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya has created «Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya».

«I revived the most ancient Mysterial Art — «Theatre of Mysteries». In a basis of «Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya” laid the Cult of Great Mother Isis, Who has ten thousand Names. This is Multidimensional Theatre of Spirit of Great Feminity, Quintessence of «Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium»»

(Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya).

Art exhibitions are held since 2005, during this time has been more than 100 different exhibitions of in different cities and countries. Her artworks are in private galleries and museums of Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kiev, London, Israel, Germany, Canada etc.

In 2008 She became a member of the Creative Union of Professional artists (Russia). In 2012 She became a member of the Kiev charity Art-association «Golden Palette» (Ukraine).

In 2006 She became a member of the International Art Fund.

Known magazines, newspapers, solid catalogues print reproductions of pictures of V. PreobRAzhenskaya, article about many-sided Creativity of the Artist. Creativity of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya receives an appreciation among the Moscow and Petersburg critics.

V. PreobRAzhenskaya — not only the Musician and the Composer, but also the Executor of Own Compositions. From 1999 to 2022 She has Recorded 39 Author's music albums.

She is an Author and Performer of the unique musical Composition «Hymn of Ukraine-Rus».

The Creative Workshop of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya is created and functions where V. PreobRAzhenskaya conducts seminar employment and master classes of Spiritual Creativity.

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya — is a Doctor of Philosophy in Theology. The scientific activity of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya aimed at the conclusion of mankind from the patriarchal impasse.

In Russia also in abroad published Scientifically-Theosophy, Poetic and Literary works and books, Musical albums, catalogues and posters of picturesque Works of Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya. V. PreobRAzhenskaya has gratitude for The Creative Activity of public organizations, embassies and admirers her of Her multi-faceted Art in many countries of the world.

In 2007, V.V. PreobRAzhenskaya has been awarded a public award — the Mariinsky Symbol of Distinction of II degree. The Mariinsky Symbol of Distinction of II degree was founded by the Council of Public Awards of the Russian Heraldic Chamber, as a public award for women who have made considerable professional achievements and admirably combine their activities with female charm, grace, and aspiration to Harmony and Creativity. And in 2013 - for outstanding achievement in the field of theology, as well as active participation in the UNESCO International Programme for the direction of spirituality, charity and sustainable development of ethnic groups, was awarded by Ertsgamma Symbol.

In 2013, V. PreobRAzhenskaya defended thesis on «The Science of Light and Its Transformation» and was awarded the scientific degree Grand Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and TheoSophy.

In 2014, for the technologies of effective management, as well as for active participation in the programs of the Oxford Educational Network and the International Parliament for Safety and Peace She was awarded the International Areopagus Arts "Apollon" Certificate with handing of Gold мedal.

In June 2014 Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya became a full member of Russian Physical Society.

In 2014, Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya became an academician Noospheric Public Academy of Sciences.

The basis of Her multi-genre Creativity is Supramundane Truth about the Great Mother of the World — Sofia Divine Wisdom (Sothis), Universal Harmony of Two Great Origins: Male and Female, Spirit and Matter, Terrestrial and Celestial; and Sacral roots of Indivisible White RAce — Siriusian (Surijsky) Intergalactic CultUre.

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS) at various times — the editor and the publisher of newspapers and magazines «АТМА», «USMALOS», «CultUre», «Victoria RА».

The Author of Books: «The Science of Light and Its Transformation», «Scientific Theosophical Works», «The Last Testament of The One Living God Maria DEVI CHRISTOS», «The Sacral Book of Isis», «the Terrestrial Way of Mother of the World», «The Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya», «Divine Effusion», «I am LOVE!», «In the Desert», «Phenomenon», «In the Slaughter», «the Heavenly Prisoner», «Light in Darkness», «Burden of the Wife», «Divine Coition», «The Unity», «Secret of Light», «Sofis», «the Song of Nice Russia», «Light Language», «the Planet Egypt», «Tower RА», «the Poem about Atlantis», «Balmont's Memory», «Breath of Orion», «Waiting», «Sirius-Suria», «Last Supper», «The Creatress», «Light City», «Kollagia», «Light of Sophia», «Circle of Light», «The Bell of the Universe», «ARMAGEDDON», «Call», «Sophia-the Queen», «Grail of Sophia», «Prophecies of the Mother of the World about Russia, the label of «Beast», Transformation», «Solar MitRA», Collection of Poetry «Ode to Light of RA», «SophioLogy of Mother of the World», «About the Mother of the World», «For sighted people», «The Teaching of the Mother of the World. Lecture-Seminars», Moscow (2009-2010), «Open KNOWLEDGE (Quotes from the Teaching of the Mother of the World by main Themes», «Sorrowful last times», «Sophia-Maria (SacRAl Poetry of the Mother of the World. 1990-2020)», «The Miracle of Knowledge».

She is an author of numerous articles and exhibitions.

The Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, Despite constant pressure from the forces of darkness, Selflessly and Purposefully Carries the White Banner of Light, Love and Good, Leads humankind of the Earth into the Aeon of Light and Eternity. URA! AUM RA!

«The Word about Beauty» of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya.

Personal Exhibitions:
2005 — «Planet of Joy» — Exhibition Gallery «Creativity» (Moscow).
2005 — «Planet of Joy» — «Quad-Art» gallery, pavilion №68 «Armenia», All-Russia Exhibition Centre (Moscow).
2005 — «Metagalaxy» — «Heritage» gallery, Fund of Culture (Saint Petersburg).
2005 — «Sacral of Russia» — Cultural–Exhibition Hall dedicated to Protection of Architectural Memorials of History and Culture (Naswekin House) (Moscow).
2006 — «Love is a Miracle Country» — Exhibition Gallery «Creativity» (Moscow).
2006 — «Enchanting Distance» — A.S. Pushkin State Museum (Moscow).
2006 — Music and poetry evening «The Formula of Light» — A.P. Bogolubov exhibition gallery (Moscow).
2006 — «Sphere RA» — exhibition hall of A.P. Bogolubov Library.
2007 — «Sunny RA-Light» — Anna Ahmatova's state literary-memorial museum in the Fountain house (Saint Petersburg).
2007 — «House of the Sun-RA» — The Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Moscow.
2007 — «Sunny RA-Light» — All-Russia Exhibition Centre (Moscow).
2008 — «The Boat of Millions of Years» — Russian-German House (Moscow).
2008 — The dramatized music and poetry evening «Оh, Woman!» — All-Russia Exhibition Centre (Moscow).
2008 — The dramatized musical-poetic evening «Oh, Woman!» — Conference hall, Manezh Moscow State Exhibition Hall (Moscow).
2008 — «The Boat of Millions of Years» — Government Hall of Leningradskiy region «Smolniy» (Saint Petersburg).
2008 — «The Boat of Millions of Years» — State Viborgskiy Castle (Viborg).
2008 — The Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhensky. Performance «The Country of Light» (Cosmic Legend) — The central house of the journalist (Moscow).
2009 — «Country of Light» — Exhibition Gallery at the Taganka «Creativity» (Moscow).
2009 — The Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhensky. Mystery «Zep Tepy (First Time)» — (Moscow).
2009 — «House of the Sun RA» (Moscow).
2009 — «House of the Sun RA» — Cultural Center «Wave» (Great Novgorod).
2009 — The Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhensky. Mystery «Zep Tepy (First Time)» — (Moscow).
2009 — «SacRAl Book of ISIS» — creative evening of Victoria PreobRAzhensky (Moscow).
2010 — The Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhensky. Mystery «Wife of ORION» (Premiere of a Mystery) — (Moscow).
2010 — «Epoch of Aquarius — the Epoch of Femininity» — creative evening of Victoria PreobRAzhensky (Moscow).
2010 — «The Boat of Millions of Years» (Bulgaria, Sophia).
2010 — «The Boat of Millions of Years» — The International Arts Fund (Moscow).
2011 — «Sirius-Surya» — The State museum of the history of literature, art and culture of Altay (Barnaul)
2011 — «Breath of Spring — The image of Women» — The central house of the journalist (Moscow).
2012 — «Mistress of the Copper Mountain» — The State Museum of Applied Art «Gamayun» (Yekaterinburg)
2012 — «Mistress of the Copper Mountain» — Center for information, education and entertainment «The City» (Barnaul).
2012 — Exhibition of paintings by Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya in Youth and Information Center of Bashunov «Open Sky» (Barnaul).
2012 — Exhibition Hall «Old Arbat» (Moscow).
2012 — «Breath of Light» — gallery «Sophiyskaya» (Kiev).
2012 — «Breath of Light» — Gallery of International Art Fund (Moscow).
2012 — «Temple of Light» — Perm State Regional Universal Library of AM. Gorkiy (Perm).
2012 — «The Phenomenon of the Light» — Exhibition Centre of St. Petersburg Union of Artists (St. Petersburg).
2012 — «Temple of Light» — Exhibition Hall of the House of architects (Dnepropetrovsk).
2012 — «Light RA» — Exhibition Hall of the House actor National Union of theatrical figures of Ukraine (Kiev).
2012 — «In the Light Оvertone» — gallery «Impress Art» (Moscow).
2013 — «Lights Surya» — «House of the Architect» (Cherkassy).
2013 — «Light RA» — Exhibition Hall «Khodynka» (Moscow).
2013 — «My Rus-Surya» — Exhibition Hall «Vanguard» (Moscow).
2013 — «Temple of Light» — gallery «Sophiyskaya» (Kiev).
2013 — «The Light of Surya-Rus» — Art gallery «Victoria RA» (Dnepropetrovsk).
2013 — «In the Measurement of Light» — Exhibition Hall of the House actor of the National Union of theatrical figures of Ukraine (Kiev).
2013 — «Sirius Surya» — Department of Arts RUSL Timirjazeva (Vinnitsa).
2013 — Library of Dnipropetrovsk National University O.Gonchara (Dnepropetrovsk).
2013 — «Oasis of Light» — Faculty of Sociology and Law of NTUU «KPI» (Kiev).
2013 — «My Sacred Russia» — Exhibition Hall «Books and Graphics Center» (St. Petersburg).
2013 — «Breath of Light» — Exhibition Hall TC «Arcadia» in Art. center «Art Corridor» (Kiev).
2013 — «The Sun of Russia» — Exhibition Center Artists' Union (Saint-Petersburg).
2013 — «The Castle of Happiness» — Exhibition Hall of the House of architect (Dnepropetrovsk).
2013 — Art gallery «Oranta» (Kiev).
2013 — Art gallery «Shine RA» — (St. Petersburg).
2014 — Art gallery «Oranta» (Kiev).
2014 — «Breath of Light» — Exhibition of Painting of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Krasnoyarsk).
2014 — Art gallery «Shine of RA» (St. Petersburg).
2014 — Center of a Book and Graphic (St. Petersburg).
2014-15 — exhibition of the Painting of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya - gallery of International Art Fund (Moscow).
2015 — Art gallery «Shine of RA» (St. Petersburg).
2015 — Art gallery «Sophia» (St. Petersburg).
2015 — «Academy of a healthy lifestyle of Vasily Skakun» (Stavropol)
2015-2016 — Exhibition «Country of the Beyond Spirit» (Shopping Center «Periynye ryady», St. Petersburg)
2016 — The mobile Exhibition «My Native Country is Wide!» (Irkutsk, Arshan, Abakan, Barnaul, Kungur, Perm)
2016-2017 — Exhibition «Heavenly Oak Forest», St. Petersburg
2017 — The exhibition «Primary Russia» (Ulyanovsk)
2017 — Exhibition «RA Light» (Ulyanovsk)
2017 — Exhibition «Celestial Cosmogony» (Kronstadt)
2018 — the evening «Temple of Light», a conference hall of the gallery «Republic of Fine Arts, galleries of fine arts» (Barnaul)
2018 — Exhibition «The Radiance of RA» (Belorechensk (Krasnodar Region))
2018 — Exhibition «Sophia’s Light», gallery «Contemporary Artists of Russia» (Shopping Center «Fifth Avenue», Moscow)
2018 — Exhibition «Emerald Sun», gallery of contemporary art «MASTER» (Saint-Petersburg)
2018 — Exhibition «The Sun of Russia», the Moscow State Budget Cultural Institution, the Museum «Garden Ring»
2018 — Exhibition «Star Sphinx», trade and exhibition center «Loft Project Etaghi» (Saint-Petersburg)
2018 — «The Great Sun of Glory» exhibition, Eliseev House on the Moika Embankment (St. Petersburg)
2018 — The exhibition «Sounding of emotions», Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Moscow academic art lyceum at the Russian academy of arts (Moscow)
2018 — The meeting «Oh, Abundant Holy Sun, Hello!», SPA-Center «Altai-Maral» (Barnaul)
2019 — Exhibition «Thin Worlds» «Gallery SPB» (St. Petersburg)
2019 — Exhibition «The Earth, Perfect Planet!», Development Center «Era of Aquarius» (Krasnodar)
2019 — Exhibition «Fohatization», Center of Creative Art «Atma-Sphere» (Krasnodar)
2019 — Exhibition «The Islet», Art-Salon of the Cultural and exhibition Center «Eurasia» (St. Petersburg)
2019 — The exhibition «Oasis of Otherness», House of Culture «Gaydarovets» (Moscow)
2019 — Exhibition «White Sun of Orion», «Loft Project Floors» (St. Petersburg)
2019 — Exhibition «Macrocosmic Russia», M. Gorky House of Culture (Novosibirsk)
2019 — Creative evening: «Oh, the Feminine Beginning of all Beginnings!», parlour of the art gallery «Contemporary artists of Russia» (Moscow)
2019 — Exhibition «High Solo», Central exhibition hall of the Union of Artists (Pskov)
2019 — Exhibition: «In the Dimensions of Light» (Anapa).
2019 — Exhibition «Flight over Time», MBUK «City Cultural Center» (Pskov).
2020 — Exhibition «Space Rhapsody», ART-Arbat Center (Moscow).
2020 — Exhibition «Flight to Infinity», art Gallery «Surya» (Moscow, Arbat).
2020 — Exhibition «Cradle — Earth» (St. Petersburg).
2021 — traveling Exhibitions (Kiev, Odessa).
2021 — Exhibition «Space Rhapsody», ART-Arbat Center (Moscow).
2021 — Exhibition «Cradle — Earth» (St. Petersburg).
2021 — Exhibition «RUS-SURYA», TC «Children's Holiday» (Barnaul).
2021 — Exhibition «Space Rhapsody», ART-Arbat Center (Moscow).
2021 — Exhibition «Cradle — Earth» (St. Petersburg).
2022 — Traveling Exhibition (Slavic region).
2022 — Exhibition «Surya» in the gallery «Master».
2022 — Exhibition «Cradle — Earth».
2023 — Exhibition «Surya».
2023 — Exhibition «MOTHER SVA» in the gallery «Master»
2023 — Exhibition «Cradle — Earth».
2023 — Art-Festival «Gardarika», Exhibition «Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Victoria of Light».
2024 — Exhibition «Surya».
2024 — Exhibition «Sotis».
2024 — Exhibition «Light of Sofia».
Collective Exhibitions:
2006 — Exhibition-sale of pictures of modern art «ARTINDEX. ART of Petersburg. DEMOVERSION*06», taking place within the framework of a presentation of the demonstration version of the new catalog-directory «Artists» — the edition including works by artists participating in the project «ARTINDEX».
2006 — «International Exhibition of Mystic Arts» (England, London).
2007 — «Exhibition-sale of paintings and drawings of Moscow artists. Gallery of summer images» (Exhibition Gallery «Creativity» Moscow).
2008 — Moscow Second International Festival of Arts «Traditions and Modernism» (Manezh Moscow State Exhibition Hall, Moscow) photosession.
2008 — Exhibition-Sale «Spring Expromt 2» (International Fund of Slavonic Writings and Culture, Moscow).
2008 — First International Salon of Arts «The Path of Unity» (The Central House of the Artist on Krimskiy Val, Moscow).
2009 — Exhibition of the Creative Alliance of Professional Artists (Exhibition Gallery «Creativity», Moscow). more (russian) >>
2009 — «8th March-The Magic of Symbols». (Showroom of the Library of Ukrainian literature, Moscow).
2009 — Exhibition «Creativity of our contemporaries — a merry life» (All-Russia Exhibition Centre, Pavilion Culture, Moscow). more (russian) >>
2009 — «Atlantis — a symbol of the lost ancestral home of humankind». (The M.V.Frunze Cultural Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Moscow). more (russian) >>, photosession >>
2009 — Traditional Exhibition «Autumn meetings» of the Creative Alliance of Professional Artists (Exhibition Gallery «Creativity», Moscow). more (russian) >>
2010 — Exhibition «Madonna ХХI century» (All-Russia Exhibition Centre, Museum of International Friendship, Moscow).
2010 — International Art-project «Solstice 4. New view» (Bulgarian Cultural-information center, Moscow).more (russian) >>, photosession >>, photosession2 >>
2011 — Exhibition «Breath of Spring—The Image of Women» (Domjour, Moscow).
2011 — Exhibition Artproekt «Palette» (Domjour, Moscow).
2012 — Gallery of the Creative Union of Professional Artists (exhibition hall «Creation» at the Taganka, Moscow).
2012 — «Salon of the author Fashion» State Museum humanitarian center «Overcoming» of N.A. Ostrovsky (Moscow).
2012 — International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «Ukrainian Art Week» (UKRAINIAN ART WEEK) — House of Artists (Kiev).
2012 — VIII Kiev International Book Fair. Ukrainian House (Kiev).
2012 — VII Cypriot-Russian festival. Art Exhibition «The Russians of Cyprus, Cypriots of Russia» (Limassol, Cyprus).
2012 — Sixth Moscow International Art Festival «Traditions and Modernity» (central exhibition hall «Manezh», Moscow).
2012 — «ART GALLERY Santa Teresa Fano» (Fano, Italy).
2012 — An exhibition of the academic and contemporary Ukrainian art from the Art Association «Golden Palette». National Complex «Ekspotsentr Ukraine» (Kiev).
2012 — International Exhibition of Italian and Ukrainian artists — «Gallery on the Peter» (Kiev).
2012 — VI International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «Ukrainian Art Week» (UKRAINIAN ART WEEK) — Artist House (Kiev).
2012 — XII International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «RUSSIAN ART WEEK» — Center of Contemporary Art «M'ARS» (Moscow).
2012 — Exhibition of Ukrainian art of the Association of Art «Golden Palette». City Museum «Spiritual Treasures of Ukraine» (Kiev).
2013 — Expocentre of Vinnitsa Commercial and industrial Chamber, art exhibition «ART GALERA» (Vinnitsa, Ukraine).
2013 — VII International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «Ukrainian Art Week» (UKRAINIAN ART WEEK) spring season 2013 — House of Artists (Kiev).
2013 — The fair of folk creativity — opera thatre HATOB (Kharkov).
2013 — «Fair masters» — National Complex «Expocentre of Ukraine» (Exhibition Center, Kiev).
2013 — IX Kiev International Book Fair. Ukrainian House (Kiev).
2013 — «Days of Slavic Art in Berlin» — Russian House of Science and Culture (Berlin).
2013 — «Kievan Autumn — 2013 in VDNH» — National Complex «Expocentre of Ukraine» (Exhibition Center, Kiev).
2014 — The fair of national creativity ART Association «Golden Paletteм» — Commercial and industrial Chamber (Kiev).
2015 — Art Project "Palette of the World." DomZhur (Moscow).
2015 — «In memoriam of N.A. Kornilov», Art Project «Palette». DomZhur (Moscow).
2014-2015 — «Flora and Fauna», gallery of International Arts Foundation (Moscow).
2015 — Exhibition at the library of Ukrainian Literature (Moscow).
2015 — Exhibition at the Cultural Center «House-museum of Marina Tsvetaeva» (Moscow)
2015 — «With love to Tsvetaeva». CUPA exhibition, within the museum project «Days of Memory of the Poet» House-museum of Marina Tsvetaeva (Moscow)
2015 — Exhibition-Fair «World of Woman». House of Artist (Moscow)
2015 — Interregional exhibition-fair «City of Masters». Exhibition hall CSTI (Penza)
2015 — Art fair «ArtExpoSPb 2015". The exhibition center «LenExpo» (St. Petersburg)
2015 — Exhibition IEC «Crocus Expo» (Moscow)
2016 — 23th New Year`s painting exhibition in the art gallery «5 HOUSE» Zhukovsky (Moscow)
2016 — Art Project «The palette of the World». DomJour (Moscow)
2016 — Art Project «The Palette of the World», the exhibition «Spring palette». DomJour (Moscow)
2016 — Exhibition «Moscow. Fantasies. Spring». Ukrainian Literature Library (Moscow)
2016 — The exhibition «The Melody of White Color» art gallery «5 HOUSE» Zhukovskiy (Moscow)
2016 — Exhibition in the «Art Gallery of Fishes» (Moscow)
2016 — Exhibition «Beregynya». Moscow House of Nationalities (Moscow)
2016 — Open Festival of Music and flora «Singing wind in the Garden of peonies» (Mountain Altai)
2016 — Exhibition «Beauty of my Homeland» (Old Kupavna, Moscow region)
2016 — Exhibition «Alley of Fantasy» DomJour (Moscow)
2016 — Exhibition of painting and photo «About Russia and Moscow». The Cultural Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
2016 — III International Festival «Altai — the traditions and glory» (Mountain Altai)
2016 — Anniversary fifth international Festival «Manzherok — a summer curtain» (Mountain Altai)
2016 — Annual bard festival «STOVES» (Mountain Altai)
2016 — 12 Inter-regional Exhibition-fair «City of Masters» (Penza)
2016 — Inter-regional universal exhibition «Sursk Fair» (Penza)
2016 — International Festival – «ARTMASS Championship» (Penza)
2016 — The mobile exhibition «Music of the Soul» (Perm)
2016 — Art-Exhibition «From Christmas to Christmas» International Association «The Union of Designers» (Moscow)
2016 — Christmas exhibition. Art gallery «Dresden» (Moscow)
2017 — The traveling exhibition «My sweet home you stored», exhibition hall of public information Center of Kalinin nuclear plant (Udomlya, Tver region)
2017 — Round table «Say a Word about russian literature!» Altai regional universal scientific library named V.Y. Shishkov (Barnaul)
2017 — The creative meeting-concert «Spring thaw», the library named after. S.G. Aksakov (Ulyanovsk)
2017 — The second traveling exhibition of paintings «My home, you are kept». Cultural center of 154 Separate commandant’s Preobrazhensky’s regiment in Lefortovo (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition «Woman and Flowers», gallery «On Novinsky» (Moscow)
2017 — International exhibition-competition «Art-Geography | Art Geo Award», International exhibition-competition of portrait art «Art portrait». House of Artists (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition «Man and Ecology», International Art Fund (Moscow, Sarov)
2017 — XXII International exhibition-competition of the modern art «Russian Art Week» (Moscow)
2017 — The International exhibition of the modern art «Art Week in China» (Beijing)
2017 — The Exhibition dedicated to the 25th year Anniversary of the 2International Art Fund» (Moscow)
2017 — All-Russian exhibition-competition «Vladimir Art Week» (Vladimir)
2017 — Exhibition of Artists: «This is symbolic» (Moscow)
2017 — Art exhibition: «Slavic ornament: an epic pattern». The Gallery «Izmailovo», (Moscow)
2017 — All-Russian mobile exhibition and the International art-project «Lipetsk Week of Arts» (Lipetsk)
2017 — International exhibition-contest of contemporary art «St. Petersburg Art Week» (St. Petersburg)
2017 — Exhibition of space painting: «Starry sky above us» in the exhibition hall «Tushino» (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition: «My love, green color» in the exhibition hall «Tushino» on the «Movement of the Earth» project by the Creative Union of Professional Artists (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition in the private Gallery of Pierre Cardin as part of the «Art Week in France» (Lacoste, France)
2017 — Exhibition: «Vernissage of the International Creative Assembly in Meridian», the Center of Culture and Art «Meridian» (Moscow)
2017 — The 11th international exhibition: «Stylish Home». (Stylish Home. Objects & Tableware), International Exhibition Center «Crocus Expo» (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition-exposition «The Great Space of being», international art-project of the Creative Union of Professional Artists «We are together» (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition: «The World through eyes of an artist», art gallery «Dresden» (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition-competition of animalistic art «ZOO ARTS / ANIMAL PORTRAIT», White Hall of the State geological museum named after V.I. Vernadsky under the management of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
2017 — World art-forum, international exhibition and competition «Art Geography», MDX (Moscow)
2017 — Project «Art-Water», White hall of the State geological museum by the name of V.I. Vernadsky Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow)
2017 — XXIII International Contemporary Art exhibition-competition «Russian Week of Arts», in the International Design Center «Art-Play» (Moscow)
2017 — International exhibition-competition of portrait art «ART-PORTRET», in the International Design Center «Art-Play» (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition «Keys to a picture», Jewish Cultural Center (Moscow)
2017 — Exhibition «Christmas Varnishing», International Art Found (Moscow)
2017-2018 — The exhibition «Winter kaleidoscope», House-museum of Vysotskiy on Taganka (Moscow)
2017-2018 — International exhibition-contest «MODERN VANGUARD», Central House of Artist (Moscow)
2017-2018 — Exhibition-sale «What different winter», art gallery of the Contemporary Artists of RACIA (Moscow)
2018 — All-Russian open festival-competition of poetry and art «ART-POETRY», Central House of Artists (Moscow)
2018 — Exhibition for the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, Shopping Center Art Gallery «Contemporary Artists of Russia» (Moscow)
2018 — Exhibition «Space in Art», exhibition congress center in the gallery «Flora» at Pyatnitskaya (Moscow)
2018 — International exhibition project «Emancipation. Female Image» (Gallery «DRESDEN», Moscow)
2018 — XII International exhibition of contemporary art «St. Petersburg Art Week» (Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, St. Petersburg)
2018 — Festival «Zdravfest 2018». Creative farmstead «Guslitsa» (Saint-Petersburg)
2018 — «Autumn jazz» exhibition. Association of artists of decorative arts (Moscow)
2018 — XXV International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «Russian Art Week» in the Congress Hall «Danilovsky» (Moscow)
2018 — XIII International Festival-competition «Art is uniting the world». Cultural and healthful complex «Dagomys» (Sochi)
2019 — Exhibition: «You — are perfect», Moscow, Recreation Centre «Gaydarovets» (the mansion of Tolstoy’s civilian adviser)
2019 — Exhibition: «Spring vernissage», the Notes-music library of P.I. Yurgenson (Moscow)
2019 — International competition of contemporary art «TALANT OF RUSSIA», Gostiniy Dvor (Moscow)
2019 — IV open All-Russian festival of poetry and art «ART POETRY», «Art-Deco» Museum (Moscow)
2019 — Exhibition «New Horizons», VDNKh, Pavilion №57 (Moscow)
2019 — International exhibition of symbolic art «VISIONARY ART», the exhibition center of the Union of Artists (St. Petersburg)
2019 — 12th International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «St. Petersburg Art Week», the exhibition center of the Union of Artists (St. Petersburg)
2019 — Open all-Russian festival of poetry and art «ART POETRY», the exhibition center of the Union of Artists (St. Petersburg)
2019 — VI regional festival of author’s song and poetry «IZBORSK FORTRESS – 2019» (Pskov, Izborsk)
2019 — X Interregional patchwork quilt festival, park «By the sea of the Ob» (Novosibirsk)
2019 — VII Siberian festival of Native culture «RILL», Ecological and Cultural nature park «Malinovka» (Novosibirsk)
2019 — ХIХ festival of ethnic cultures «Living Water», tent and tourist camp «YUNOST» (Berdsk)
2019 — 6th festival «Rise of a new era», the settlement of the Patrimonial estates «Grace” (Yaroslavl region)
2019 — the sixth international festival «Duct. Shine! 2019», «Grushinskaya Polyana» (Samara Region)
2019 — Second All-Russian Festival of Fine Arts «New Names — 2019», Center for the Arts «ART-BOX» (Riviera shopping center) (Moscow)
2019 — Forum «We are doing Good», cultural center «Gostiny Dvor» (Moscow)
2019 — Exhibition «Autumn Salon 2019», art gallery «MOST» (Moscow).
2019 — Exhibition «Russian soul in art», Russian center of science and culture (New Delhi, India).
2019 — International festival «Planet of Mercy», Cultural center of the Embassy of the republic of Armenia in Russia (Moscow).
2019 — International exhibition of symbolic art «SymbolicArtWeek» and International festival of abstraction «Abstractum», exhibition hall PalazzoCapitanialeCorte (Caltagirone, Sicily).
2019-2020 — All-Russian open festival-competition of poetry and art «ART-POETRY» (St. Petersburg).
2020 — Exhibition: «2020», cultural Center «Moskvich» (Moscow).
2020 — International festival-competition of symbolic art ZEN ART, exhibition center of the Moscow Union of Artists (Moscow)
2020 — XXVIII International exhibition-competition of contemporary art «Russian Art Week», congress and exhibition center «Danilovskiy» (Moscow)
2021 — XXIX International exhibition-competition of contemporary art “Russian Art Week” (Moscow)
2021 — Traveling Exhibitions (Kiev, Odessa)
2022 — Exhibition at the X Festival of Traditional Culture.
2022 — Festival «Child of Nature»
2024 — Festival «Kupala 2024. Meeting of lovers in life»
Catalogue Publications:
2006 — Collection «Catalogue-Directory ARTINDEX», Artists 05, issue III.
2007 — «Art of Russia», Russian art guide 2007. ScanRus Publishing House.
2007 — «Names in Russian Art» painting, graphics, sculptures, arts and crafts «ISOGRAF».
2007 — Federal program «Women of Great Russia», Catalogue «Women of Moscow 2007». «Kisler Company». Publishing House.
2008 — «Art of Russia», Russian art guide 2008. «M-ScanruS». Publishing House.
2008 — Official catalogue of the Second Official Festival of Arts «Traditions and Modernism».
2009 — Official Catalogue of the First International Salon of Arts «The Path of Unity» (Central Art House on Krimskiy Val, Moscow).
2010 — Official Catalogue of the Creative Alliance of Professional Artists — 2010 (Painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, art-photo. Moscow).
2010 — Catalogue of the International Art Project «Solstice 4. New View» — 2010 (The Bulgarian Cultural Institute. Moscow).
2011 — «Art of Russia», Russian art guide 2011. «M-ScanruS». Publishing House.
2012 — «Russians of Cyprus, Cypriots of Russia» Fund «Russian World».
2013 — «The Art of Russia», № 12, 2013. Russian art guide in 2013. Publisher «M.SKANRUS».
2015 — «The Art of Russia», № 14, 2015. Russian art guide in 2015. Publisher «M.SKANRUS».
2016 — «In the name of peace on Earth», the third book; 2016, publishing program of Charity fund «Slavic tradition»
2016 — «In the name of peace on the Earth», the fourth book; 2016 publishing program of Charitable foundation «Slavic traditions»
2017 — «Art of Russia» № 16; 2017 Russian art guide 2017. Publishing house «M.SKANRUS»
2018 — «Art of Russia» № 17; 2018 Russian art guide 2018. Publishing house «M.SKANRUS»
2018 — Catalog of materials of the International exhibition-competitions «Art Week» and «Art-geography» in China (2017, Beijing). Publishers: Regional Public Organization «Creative Community» «Eurasian Art Union» Producer Agency «Art of the Future»
2018 — Catalog of materials of the International exhibition of contemporary art «Russian Art Week» season 2017-autumn, held in France, in Lacoste
2018 — In the name of peace on the Earth, book eighth; 2019. Publishing program of the «Slavic Traditions» Charitable fund
2020 — Сatalog- handbook «Art of Russia 2021» №20
2022 — Сatalog-handbook «Art of Russia 2022» №21
2024 — International Art catalog.

Books of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya:

1992 — «The Science of Light and Its Transformation»
2005 — «Scientific Theosophical Works»
2000 — «The Last Testament of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS»
2011 — «The SacRAl Book of Isis»
2011 — «The Terrestrial Way of the Mother of the World»
2011 — «The Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2005 — «Divine Effusion»
2012 — «Sophia-Maria»
1991 — «I Am LOVE!»
1992 — «In the Desert»
1993 — «Phenomenon»
1993-94 — «In the Slaughter»
1994-95 — «the Heavenly Prisoner»
1995-96 — «Light in Darkness»
1996-97 — «Burden of the Wife»
1998-99 — «Divine Coition»
2000 — «The Unity»
2001 — «Secret of Light»
2002 — «Sofis»
2003-04 — «The Song of Nice Russia»
2005 — «Light Language»
2006 — «The Planet Egypt»
2007 — «Tower RА»
2009 — «The Poem about Atlantis»
2009 — «Balmont's Memory»
2009 — «Breath of Orion»
2010 — «Sirius-Suria»
2010 — «Last Supper»
2011 — «Waiting»
2012 — «The Creatress»
2012 — «Light City»
2012 — «The Call»
2013 — «The Science of Light and Its Transformation», second edition (supplemented)
2013 — «Interview with Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2013 — «Kollagia»
2014 — «Light of Sophia»
2014 — «Circle of Light»
2014 — «The Bell of the Universe»
2014 — «Encyclopedia of Russian Thought». Volume 22 (312 p.) Сollection of Scientific Works
2014 — «Traditional and new in modern science». TheoSophical View (Report on VI World Scientific Congress). – SPb.: CultUre, 2014
2014 — «The Terrestrial Way of Mother of the World» (2nd edition, enlarged)
2014 — «Sophia-the Queen»
2015 — Collection of picture cards «Phenomenon»
2015 — Poetry Collection «Grail of Sophia»
2015 — «Scientific and TheoSophical Work «Traditional and new in modern science. TheoSophical View (Report on the VI World Science Congress)»
2015 — «Scientific and TheoSophical Work «Spiritual keeping gene pool of modern civilization at the peak of the change formations on the Threshold of the Quantum Leap of Solar System (Report on V World Science Congress)»
2015 — Scientific and TheoSophical Work «ABSTRACT of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in TheoLogy of Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya on set of Works: «The Terrestrial Way of Mother of the World» and «The SacRAl Book of Isis» on «THE TERRESTRIAL WAY OF MOTHER OF THE WORLD»», «ABSTRACT dissertation for awarding the scientific degree of Grand Doctor of Philosophy in TheoLogy and TheoSophy of Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya on set of scientific papers on the theme «THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND ITS TRANSFORMATION»»
2016 — «Prophecies of the Mother of the World about Russia, the label of «Beast», Transformation»
2016 — Poetry Collection «Solar MitRA»
2017 — «SophioLogy of Mother of the World»
2017 — Collection of Poetry «Ode to Light of RA»
2017 — The Book «About Mother of the World»
2017 — Collection of Poetry «For sighted»
2017 — The Book «Teaching of Mother of the World. Lectures-Seminars» (Moscow (2009-2010))
2018 — The Book «Open KNOWLEDGE (Quotes from the Teaching of the Mother of the World on the main Themes)»
2020 — Collection of Articles of the Mother of the World «Sorrowful last times»
2020 — «Sophia-Maria (SacRAl Poetry of the Mother of the World. 1990-2020)»
2020 — The Book «The Miracle of Knowledge»
2020 — Collection of Poetry «KALIMA»
2020 — The Book «The Planet Egypt»
2022 — The Book «The Miracle of Knowledge», volume 2
2022 — «The Science of Light and Its Transformation», Supplement Edition /in 2 volumes/
2023 — The Book «The Miracle of Knowledge», volume 3
2023 — «The Terrestrial Way of the Mother of the World» (Third Supplemented Edition). Divine TrinoSophia

Magazines, spiritual newspapers:

1990-93 — «Atma»
1995-2003 — «USMALOS»
2004-05 — «KultURA»
2011-23 — «Victoria RA»

Scientific-Theosophical Works of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya:

Basic Formulas (Blokinformation)

1992 — «The nature of Fohat»
1992 — «Cabbalistic aspect of the Cosmic Program USMALOS»
1992 — «The Fiery World»
1992 — «About Fire»
1992 — «Devouring egregor»
1992 — «Worlds sounding»
1992 — «About the Candle»
1992 — «Fohatisation»
1992 — «Ezoterizm of Cross. Cosmos»
1992 — «The Cross of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS»
1992 — «The world of Satan (Antigod)»
1992 — «Heavenly Paradise (The Kingdom of Light)»
1992 — «Transformed Human of Earth. Logos»
1992 — «Device of the Divine World»
1992 — «Earthly and Heavenly Form of the Mother of Light»
1992 — «The Energy PyRAmid»
1992 — «Moon and Sun»
1992 — «The Soul (Paramatma)»
1992 — «Life after Life (about biodeath)»
1992 — «The diagnostic of Soul and body on the aura»

Divine Theosophy

1992 — «The Word about the Book of Life»
1992 — «The Transformation of Worlds»
1992 — «Flight. Transformation»
1994 — «THE LIFE (The Secret Doctrine for My Chosen)»
1995 — «A Human»
1995 — «The Mother of Light»
1995 — «Cabbalistic aspect of the Program USMALOS (Theosophy. Cabbala)»
1996 — «The PaRAdise of My LOVE (New Heaven)»
1996 — «Treatise on the LOVE (Theosophy. Esotericism)»
1996 — «Theosophical Astrology»
1996 — «Theosophy. Cabbala»
1996 — «Cabbala»
1996 — The Fundamental Cosmic Laws of Eternal Life of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
1999 — «Cabbala of the Mother of the World»
1999 — «Esoteric Making the Universe (Aspect «The Science about Light and Its Transformation»)»
2000 — «Esotericism. Metaphysic of Transformation»
2000 — «Divine Symbolics of the Mother of the World (The main Sings)»
2000 — «The Secret of PentagRAm of the Mother of the World»
2001 — «The Science about Light of the Mother of the World, or the Cosmic Corridor of the Great PyRAmid AST»
2002 — «Planetary Geocentricism of the Mother of the World»
2002 — «Monos Asterion (Monastery)»
2002 — «Theosophy. Cabbala. Astrology. The Secret Doctrine»
2003 — «Hyperborean Dictionary of the Mother of Light — Testimony of Heaven»
2003 — «The Concept of Time and Eternity. Philosophical Esotericism»
2004 — «About Similarity in the Universe (Philosophical Esotericism)»
2004 — «Theology of Light (Divine Esotericism)»
2004 — «The Mystic Trinity (Theosophy)»
2007 — «Light Formulas for harmonization and perfection of Human consciousness (TOP — 8)»
2009 — «Lecture-Seminar №1 «Transition of the planet Earth into a new time circle — the Age of Light: the Era of the Great Feminine, Harmony and Beauty».
2009 — Lecture — Seminar №2 «Ancient Egypt and Russia: the beginning and the end. The Age of the Lion and the Age of Aquarius on the cardinal cross of the Universe»
2010 — Lecture-Seminar №3 «Harmony and Unity of the Two Great Cosmic Principle — the Fundamental Law of the Universe».
2010 — Lecture — Seminar №4, «Symbolism, as an expression of the Great Ideas of the Unity of Macro and Microcosm».
2010 — Lecture-Seminar №5 «Man as a reflection of Microcosm in Macrocosm.
2010 — Lecture-Seminar №6 «Knowledge of basic Aspects of «The Science of Light and Its Transformation» of Mother of the World»
2013 — THE ABSTRACT of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in TheoLogy of Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya on set of works: «The Terrestrial Way of the Mother of the World» and «The SacRAl Book of Isis» on «THE TERRESRTIAL WAY OF THE MOTHER OF THE WORLD»
2013 — THE ABSTRACT on set of scientific works of Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya on: «SCIENCE ABOUT LIGHT AND ITS TRANSFORMATION» on conferment of an academic degree the Grand Doctor of Philosophy in TheoLogy and TheoSophy
2013 — Scientific REPORT of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya on the V World Scientific Congress: «Spiritual keeping gene pool of modern civilization at the peak of the change formations on the Threshold of the Quantum Leap of Solar System»
2016 — «Hyperborean Dictionary of the Mother of the World, or Neters’ Native Sirian Language (Magic Word)»

Articles of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya:

1993 — «Phenomenon of the Second Coming of CHRIST, or Explantation Planetary Logos in the Feminine Body!»
1993 — «The Way to Calvary»
1993 — «That you should know, My Children!»
1993 — «I'm Fighting for every sinner!»
1993 — «Mysterious Vision Light of Christ (Prayer Mother of the World)»
1993 — «Drink My LIVING WATER, My Children!»
1993 — «Church is ruled KGB! And the Satan!»
1993 — «God's Last Call. Follow Me, My Children!»
1993 — «Message of the Mother of the World of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS to Children of God»
1993 — «Secrets of the Mother of the World (what awaits earthlings after Transformation)»
1993 — «New KieRUSalim (Alchemical formula of Ascent)»
1993 — «The Alphabet of the Transformation (Light Formulas)»
1999 — «The KINGDOM of the Universal LOVE»
1999 — «The Birth of the Sixth Race»
1999 — «USMALOS: Salvation of Humanity. The Good Nectar of LOVE»
1999 — «Soaring over Time or Religion of the Golden Age»
1999 — «Song of Freedom — Dance of LOVE: DIVINE COITION»
1999 — «Seven levels of Ascension»
2001 — «The Answer of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS on slanderous article that published in the newspaper «Arguments and Facts»»
2002 — «Black orthodoxy brainwashes the people»
2002 — «The answer of the Mother of the World to the Orthodox critic Alexey Ivanenko»
2002 — «The Gift of the Moon (Moonlight Legend of the Mother of the World)»
2003 — «IZONHAYYA»
2003 — «The answer of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS to Sergei Tereshchenko, the representative of the Center of apologetic research)»
2003 — «Praise to enemies!»
2004 — «The totalitarian ideology — dead orthodoxy generates potential slaves... (How long reptile will rule the world?)»
2004 — «Victory of Light»
2004 — «Fohatic Appeal to earthlings»
2005 — «The Spirit that Make Pictures Alive»
2005 — «The Secret of Maria «Magdalene», or who manages consciousness of earthlings»
2007 — «About CultUre of Russian Spirit, or Time of Pyramids»
2009 — Lecture-Seminar №1 «Transition of the planet Earth into a new time circle — the Age of Light: the Era of the Great Feminine, Harmony and Beauty».
2009 — Lecture — Seminar №2 «Ancient Egypt and Russia: the beginning and the end. The Age of the Lion and the Age of Aquarius on the cardinal cross of the Universe»
2010 — Lecture-Seminar №3 «Harmony and Unity of the Two Great Cosmic Principle — the Fundamental Law of the Universe».
2010 — Lecture — Seminar №4, «Symbolism, as an expression of the Great Ideas of the Unity of Macro and Microcosm».
2010 — Lecture-Seminar №5 «Man as a reflection of Microcosm in Macrocosm.
2010 — Lecture-Seminar №6 «Knowledge of basic Aspects of «The Science of Light and Its Transformation» of Mother of the World»
2010 — «The Revelation, or Taking down the Cover of Isis»
2011 — «The Message of Light of the Mother of the World!»
2011 — «The Victory of the Great Sophia — Grace and Glory!»
2011 — «Slavs, open your eyes!»
2011 — «EU — the runnings knot for Slavs or Armageddon…»
2011 — «Ruses, Let Conquer The Dragon!»
2012 — «The Victory — for us, Ruses!»
2012 — «Before the Face of Eternity»
2012 — «22 LASSOS OF LIGHT»
2012 — «The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors»
2012 — «The treacherous plans of reptiloids Were Destroyed by THE SOPHY-SOTISE’S WILL»
2012 — «The Appeal of Mother of the World»
2013 — «CHANCE to RESCUE»
2013 — «Stop to be afraid of reptiles! Drive them kicks from Rus!»
2013 — «HOW werewolves-reptiloids of the last century from the KGB persecute the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS»
2013 — «POWER and PROTECTION against reptilians — it is SLAVIC MOTHER OF THE WORLD!»
2013 — «VICTORIA OF RUSSIA — is Ours!»
2014 — «Pleasing to God the scenario of Antichrist»
2014 — «Soon will Come a Revival of Rus!»
2014 — «KOLLAGIA!!!»
2014 — «Inevitability of Retribution»
2014 — «For the sake of the Elect these days will reduce...»
2015 — «Donbass nobody put on his knees and to put is not given to anyone!»
2015 — «Spiritual and physical health of the person»
2015 — «End of an era of lie»
2015 — «Statement of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya about impostors and swindlers in social networks»
2015 — «STAR BRIDGE»
2015 — «About Wise Sophia and the Last Time» (SophioLogy)
2016 — «Natural PhiloSophy of Mother of the World — The Guintessence of the world Natural philosophy» (SophioLogy)
2016 — «I Am LIGHT! I Am LOVE! I am Truth!»
2016 — «Esotericism and symbolism in the prophetic chapter 4 of A.Dugin’s book «Mysteries of Eurasia»»
2016 — «The Slavs are gradually awakening, but they lack the cohesion, courage and «Russian Spirit»...»
2016 — «Black Code of Darkness»
2016 — «Hyperborean Dictionary of the Mother of the World, or Neters’ Native Sirian Language (Magic Word)»
2016 — «The ProgRAm of the Earth Rescue «USMALOS»»
2016 — «History of the Slavic Movement of the 90th of «The Great White Brotherhood «USMALOS»»»
2017 — «And again about Mother-Earth and Her Luminaries»
2017 — «A review of the monograph of the candidate of medical sciences, professor, oncologist, member of the Russian Physical Society A.V. Artyomov: «The general theory of aging: inevitability as a consequence of chance»»
2017 — «Sorrowful last times»
2017 — «Tragedy of Suria»
2019 — «DISCLOSURE OF CUNNING METHODS of reptiloid creatures that are actively destroying slavs»
2019 — «Mystery of Horus (Solar Poem)»
2020 — «Mother-Sopha Has Been Walking the world 30 YEARS»
2020 — «The Antichrist regularly drives the whole world into his bestial stall, and his servants help him!»
2020 — «Alchemical Sublimation»
2020 — «The New World Demon’s order. Hysteria of false pandemic. Operation «coronavirus»»
2020 — «Mashiach's zombovirus crown»
2020 — «What awaits earthlings soon? (About chip-vaccines and the electronic concentration camp)»
2020 — «There is a sweep of the planet Earth»
2020 — «The «GENOCIDE» button — is on (YouTube blocks My videos, prohibits and deeply hides from the masses, minimizing the number of views)»
2020 — «Finale bacchanalia of world evil (Author’s videos YouTube removes, blocks and hides in every possible way, constantly twisting the number of real views)»
2020 — «The world — is a Game of imagination!»
2021 — «Key of «The Prayer of Light»© of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. And some Predictions and Warnings»
2021 — «The Way of Light of the Mother of the World»
2021 — «How the Slavs were zombified»
2021 — «The Way of Light of the Mother of the World»
2021 — «Fearlessly, with a smile, we will meet the darkness...»
2022 — «Agreement with the reptilians»
2022 — «Appeal of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS to alive earthlings»
2022 — «Appeal of the Mother of the World to the White Army of Unified Rus»
2022 — «World conspiracy»
2022 — «Blogger-freaks and like them are jeering»
2022 — «And the First Angel went...»
2022 — «The MOTHER Stands at the Source»
2022 — «Presstitutes (Essay)»
2022 — «The age-old plan of the Antichrist»
2022 — «Schwab's genocide»
2022 — «We are zeroing the plans of the globalists!»
2022 — «They are preparing a concentration camp for the Slavs»
2022 — «With the New Sun! December 25, 2022»
2022 — «Why does Ukraine carry such a terrible karma?»
2022 — «Earthlings, it's time to open your eyes!»
2022 — «33 Fiery Years of the Mother of the World»
2023 — «People stoked by the media»
2023 — «Control your destiny yourself»
2023 — «They received according to their faith…»
2023 — «Throw off the web of lies!»
2023 — «Devils in the dump»
2023 — «About Time and Eternity»
2024 — «False patriotism and the deception of patriarchal delusion»
2024 — «Servants of Hell in Rus'»
2024 — «Capture of World Waters»
2024 — «Once again about the Essence of Sophia the Wisdom of Light»

Author’s Publications:

2005 г. — «Art council» art council. № 2 (42) the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS «The Spirit, Who Makes Paintings Alive»
2006 г. — «Ballad monger» № 8 April, Prague. Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Poetry
2012 г. — «Young guardsman» № 12 (47) Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya «Doomsday will not be»
2014 г. — «Encyclopedia of Russian Thought». (Volume 21: «Reports of the Russian Physical Society, 2014», p. 3-18) Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya Scientific Work «SPIRITUAL KEEPING GENE POOL OF MODERN CIVILIZATION AT THE PEAK OF THE CHANGE FORMATIOS ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE QUANTUM LEAP OF SOLAR SYSTEM» (Scientific report on the V Anniversary World Scientific Congress).
2014 г. — «Encyclopedia of Russian Thought». (Volume 22: V.V. PreobRAzhenskaya. «The Word of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS (Collection of Scientific Works)», 2014, p.312).
2015 г. — «New Village» №2 (42). Special issue. About the artists and creative people.
2016 г. — The magazine «Russian Thought» (2016, № 2) (V.V. PreobRAzhenskaya «The Natural PhiloSophy of the Mother of the World — the Quintessence of the world Natural philosophy»).
2017 — Scientific journal RusPhS (JRPhChS, Volume 89, Issue No. 1 (2017)) (THE ABSTRACT on set of scientific works of Victoria Victorovna PreobRAzhenskaya on: «SCIENCE ABOUT LIGHT AND ITS TRANSFORMATION» on conferment of academic degree the Grand Doctor of Philosophy in TheoLogy and TheoSophy)
2017 г. — Literary Almanac «SimberLit» (Issue №8). Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. The Poetry
2017 г. — «New Village» No.3 (48). About artists and creative people. 2017, pp. 66-67
2017 г. — Scientific journal RusPhS (JRPhChS, Volume 89, Issue No. 3 (2017g.)) (Working out of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya: «A review of the monograph of the candidate of medical sciences, professor, oncologist, member of the Russian Physical Society A.V. Artyomov: «The general theory of aging: inevitability as a consequence of chance»»)
2018 г. — Collection of poetry «Lovers' Waltz». Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Poetry. Painting.
2020 г. — International magazine "Russian Gallery - XXI" (6 | 2020). "The Era of Light of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya".

Interview with Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya:

2000 г. — E-mailing «Introduction to religion»
2003 г. — Information and analytical magazine «Religion and law» № 2
2011 г. — «Moskovsky komsomolets» correspondent Maria Egorova
2013 г. — Tatiana Chebrova, journalist

Articles about the Author:

2005 г. — «Science and religion» № 6 magazine. S.Aydinyan. «Transformation of Lithosphere»
2006 г. — «Human. Culture. City» № 11 (39) magazine. V.Puschin. «To see other light worlds»
2006 г. — «Our Painter» № 8 (148) newspaper. S.Aydinyan. «The painting of mystical and symbolic optimism»
2006 г. — «Young Artist» № 4 magazine. S.BELOV. «PLANET OF JOY»
2006 г. — «THE WORD» № 15 (488) newspaper. Lev Safonkin. «SONG OF THE SOUL. MEETING FOR YOU»
2006 г. — «Youth» № 11 (608) magazine. A.Schatskov. «I Want to see YOU in the Embrace of the SKY»
2007 г. — «Petersburg-classic» № 4 Zh.Mozgovaya. «Marvellous world of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2007 г. — «Evening Petersburg» № 12 «Colorful cosmos»
2007 г. — «Miracles and adventures» № 2 magazine. Lev Safonkin. «Secrets of the canvas»
2007 г. — «Anomaly» № 8 (379) newspaper. Julia Babanina. «Solar RA Light of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2007 г. — «Poem of Atlantis» Poetic collection of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya, introductory article S. Aydinian «About «Poem of Atlantis» by Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2007 г. — «New village» № 4 (19) «The Name of Secret — Victoria!»
2008 г. — «Voice of the Motherland» № 4 L.Safonkin «Other worlds of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2009 г. — «City Tour» № 01 (171) magazine. S.Aydinyan «And again — Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»
2010 г. — International Journal «ATHENAEUM» P.V. Tulaev «White TARA of the Heavenly Country»
2013 г. — «Our Painter» № 1 (223) L.Safonkin «Victoria Preobrazhenskaya»
2016 г. — Magazine «Luxury House» (2016, November issue № 3) («The World of Creativity of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»)

Дата: 15.03.11
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