The Third Millenium’ Cosmic Polyart


«The Sacral Book of ISIS» by Victoria PreobRAzhensky

«СофиоЛогия Матери Мира»


Quotations from the Teachings of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS

«The Messiah of the Aquarian Age — Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — Showed humanity to the Way out of impasse of consciousness during the global crisis of the Earth civilization. Her Spiritual Heritage — It Is an Invaluable Experience of Mother-Protectress of the planet Earth, Embodied on the end twentieth century in the Image of Eshatological Sophia-SOThIs-Isis, a partial Incarnation of the Mother «Agni Yoga» Hl. Roerich»

«AND SHE HAS COME from THE KINGDOM OF LIGHT in order to RESIST THE LAWLESSNESS, DEATH and HATRED, THE WORLD EVIL and DECEIT, into which mankind has been plunged by the Prince of Darkness and his legion. She Has Performed in Matter the Light Mystery of the Spirit, Turning Darkness into Light!»

«Here, on the eve of the Last Judgment, Sophia Reincarnated in order to bring the fallen souls out of this age-old foul trap to the Spiritual Space of Pure Light-Fohat. Only the Mother of Eternity Could Go down into the lowlands of Matter in order to Extract from the Illusion-maya Her lost souls.»

«The Phenomenon of Appearance of the Mother of the World as the Cathedral Soul, on the Eve of the New Aeon — the Coming Age of Aquarius, — Is the Phenomenon of World Femininity in the Image of Sophia the Wisdom That was predicted in all scriptures of the world, as well as by sages and prophets, thinkers and elders. When in 1990 the Phenomenon in the Fohatic Flesh of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Commited, the Cosmic Corridor of Light was formed, through which the Mother of the World joined the World of Spirit and the World of Matter. It was included the Divine and Cosmic ProgRAm for the Salvation and Fohatization of the Planet Earth (USMALOS-Jupiter, Saturn, Mars (Mercury), Moon, Orion, Sirius), which is led by the Mother of the World, Standing in the Head of the Heavenly Hierarchy. »

«Even the Mother of the World herself Evolved both on Earth and in Heaven, Embodied in Matter, so that from the Unmanifested Supreme Mind, Spirit and Soul to Become Manifested Supreme Divine Personality, Having Ascended to the Center of the Universe by Supreme Light and Gold-bearing Form of the Mother of the World. Remember the Eastern Images of Deities: naturally, all of Them are Wife-like. And it's not accidental! For the Supreme Divine Personality — is Male's Secret in Female’s Manifested, but to call him only Mother or Father, or Son, Who Is the Father in the Mother, — is not enough. Ein-Sof — Is the Progenitress of All Existence, the Golden Spiritual Absolute in the Spiritual World, and Fohat — in the Woman's Image, Filled with the Holy Spirit — on Earth. It Is — Constantly Giving, Emitting Higher Spiritual Energy, Power! And above This Power there is nothing!»

«The Earth Mission of the Mother of the World Became the Preparation of earthlings for the Great Transition to the New Time Circle — into the TRAnsformed World of the Sixth RAce, where the Laws of Light of Sophia the Wise is Governing. So as, to Inform Heavenly SacRAl KNOWLEDGE in time, Mother of the World Slowed date of arrival the Antichrist and all attendant events on Earth. Thus, Having Softened the painful Transition-the Birth of the New Humanity into the New World and, Extending Her Suffering on Earth, for the Holy Spirit in Earthly Clothes is very closely...»

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS)

Дата: 15.11.2020 01:08 (Прочтено: 269)

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